
Archive for January, 2011

I’m Back!

January 1, 2011 Leave a comment

After a hiatus die to lack of laptop (I can’t stand typing on the tiny keyboard my phone offers), I’m back in action. I was given a MacBook Pro by may parents for Christmas, so I’ll be learning a lot in the coming weeks, since until now, I’ve been a lifelong PC devotee (more out of necessity than desire).

I’m planning on brewing a new batch of I.P.A. soon, which’ll be my first attempt at getting a handle on a hop schedule that I really like. My thinking is that if I can perfect one recipe giving myself a kind of baseline, later on it’ll be easier to branch out and experiment with new things. So, look for photos and reports on how that turns out.

In the meantime, everyone have a Happy New Year and stay faithful to your resolutions!

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