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I’m Back… Part II

I was reminded recently, due to activity completely unrelated to any efforts on my part, that I own a blog. A lot’s been going on in my life over the last year that I think warrants comment by both me and the faithful few that have found what I have to say useful. Please know that the man I was in the last post and the man I am now are two completely different people. My convictions are deeper, my beliefs are more well founded, and my passion more intense than ever before. Life, as you all know, has its way of taking someone and twisting them into an unrecognizable shell off a man, but our Lord, as you all know, has a way of reigniting a fire once quenched by the trials of put upon us by the enemy and fanning it into a flame the likes of which has never been seen.

It is with great humility that I submit to you, Jeff Walton 2.0. My Lord and my God have seen me through what has been the most difficult year of my life so far, and I’m excited to share with you the great things that He has revealed to me.

God Bless,


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